
Today I did my first ever photoshoot! It was with these comic wonders, David Benson & Jack Lane for not 1 but 2 of their upcoming projects! A big thanks to my fiancĂ© Chris for lighting them – I genuinely would have failed at that haha! Keep a look out for the fruits of todays labours!
New Client: Ollie B

Very excited to have Men’s Lifestyle and Fashion Blogger, and Influencer Ollie B as a new client. I’ve already designed his new logo (it looks great on a t-shirt), and the website is coming soon!
Last Day at the Lion King

Today marks my last day at The Lion King after nearly 4 years. I’ve left the show to concentrate my time on this orange filled venture.
New Client: Janique Charles

So happy to have Janique Charles as my first new client after my relaunch. She is currently starring in Disney’s The Lion King in London’s West End as Nala. Watch out for her full site going live soon.
Website Relaunch

I’ve finally pulled myself together and decided to make a go of building websites and designing print. So here it is, the new look (same orange)